Карты и этапы
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Полная карта - Замок Дракулы
Враги: Zombie, Bat, Skeleton, Axe Armor, Slinger,
Invisible Man, Larva, Spittle Bone, Great Armor, Flying Skull, Lilith и
Hill Guard
Босс: Behemoth
Музыка: Invitation of a Crazed Moon, A Small Prayer (в
магазине Винсента)
Враги: Bat, Mud Man, Merman, Une, Skull Archer, Frozen
Shade, Invisible Man, Golem, Slime и Dragon Zombie
Босс: нет
Музыка: Silent Prison
Great Stairway
Враги: Skull Archer, Ukoback, Persephone, Mimic, Larva,
Lerajie, Great Armor, Catoblepas, Crossbow Armor, Lilith, Skeleton Flail,
Skeleton Gunman, Hill Guard, Skelerang и Glasya Labolas
Босс: Keremet
Музыка: Jail of Jewels
Tower of Death
Враги: Crossbow Armor, Skeleton Flail, Skeleton Gunman,
Imp, Harpy, Medusa Head, Gaibon, Slogra, Flying Armor и Killer Doll
Босс: Stella, Death
Музыка: The Gears Go Awry
Master's Keep
Враги: Razor Bat, Wyvern, Malachi, Spin Devil, Succubus,
Flame Demon, Dead Crusader, Final Guard и Ruler's Sword
Босс: Stella и Loretta, Whip's Memory, Brauner
Музыка: Gaze Up at the Darkness
Throne Room
Враги: нет
Босс: Dracula и Death
Музыка: Overture
Полная карта - City of Haze
City of Haze
Враги: Zombie, Bat, Skeleton, Axe Armor, Death Mask,
Zacchino, Student Witch, Slinger, Mini Devil, Forneus, Peeping Eye, Skull
Bartender, Andras и Wight
Босс: Dullahan
Музыка: Victorian Fear
Полная карта - Sandy Grave
Sandy Grave
Враги: Mummy, Devil Wheel, Skeleton, Sand Worm, Ghost, Red
Skeleton, Dragon Zombie, Armor Knight, Ectoplasm, Bone Pillar, Fleaman,
Mimic, Flying Skull, White Dragon, Amphisbaena, Elgiza, Great Ghost,
Crossbow Armor и Corpseweed
Босс: Astarte
Музыка: Hail from the Past
Полная карта - Nation of Fools
Nation of Fools
Враги: Lerajie, Armor Knight, Spittle Bone, Fleaman,
Slime, Killer Clown, Coppelia, Hanged Bones, White Dragon, Devil Wheel,
Harpy и Medusa Head
Босс: Legion
Музыка: Chaotic Playground
Полная карта - Forest of Doom
Forest of Doom
Враги: Frog, Killer Bee, Bee Hive, Killer Doll, Student
Witch, Lilith, Harpy, Corpseweed, Skelerang, Blue Crow, Moldy Corpse,
Dogether, Tombstone, Treant, Red Axe Armor, Maneating Plant, Malachi и
Босс: Dagon
Музыка: The Hidden Curse
Полная карта - Dark Academy
Dark Academy
Враги: Ghoul, Mandragora, Black Crow, Wakwak Tree,
Dragonfly, Fleaman, Imp, Heavy Armor, Toad, Minotaur, Malphas, Final
Guard, Ruler's Sword, Witch, Lightkeeper, Old Axe Armor, Dead Warrior,
Aliorumnas, Alura Une, Demon Head, Lesser Demon и Vapula
Босс: The Creature
Музыка: Crucifix Held Close
Полная карта - 13th Street
13th Street
Враги: Ghoul, Ghoul King, Buster Armor, Dead Warrior, Red
Axe Armor, Skeleton Blaze, Heavy Armor, Malphas, Amalaric Sniper,
Aliorumnas, Lightkeeper, Nyx, Mothman, Ripper, Ghost Dancer, Vapula и
Босс: Werewolf
Музыка: Iron Blue Intention
Полная карта - Burnt Paradise
Burnt Paradise
Враги: Armor Knight, Medusa Head, Guillotiner, Skeleton
Tree, Buster Armor, Old Axe Armor, Gorgon, Jack O'Bones, Tanjelly, Dead
Warrior, Vice Beetle, Minotaur, Yorick, Ripper и DoubleAxe Armor
Босс: Medusa
Музыка: Behind the Gaze
Полная карта - Forgotten City
Forgotten City
Враги: Mummy, Devil Wheel, Poison Worm, Dodo, Laura,
Fleaman, Ghost, Red Skeleton, Ectoplasm, Elgiza, Flame Demon, Armored
Fleaman, Old Axe Armor, Quetzalcoatl, Gorgon, Jack O'Bones, Tanjelly,
Lightkeeper, Demon Head и Lesser Demon
Mummy Man
Музыка: Sandfall, In Search of the Secret Spell
Полная карта - Nest of Evil
Nest of Evil
Враги: Dead Warrior, Quetzalcoatl, Demon, Bone Ark,
Lightkeeper, Mothman, Minotaur, Final Guard, Jack O'Bones, Buster Armor,
Dragonfly, Heavy Armor, Ruler's Sword, Dogether, Skeleton Blaze, Cave
Troll, Armored Fleaman, Guillotiner, Iron Golem, Lesser Demon, Skeleton
Farmer, Alastor, Yorick, Demon Head, Gold Skeleton, DoubleAxe Armor,
Amducias, Vice Beetle, The Creature, Nyx, Ripper, Vapula, Old Axe Armor,
Wyvern и Malphas
Balore, Gergoth, Zephyr, Aguni, Abaddon, Fake Trevor +
Fake Grant + Fake Sypha, Doppelganger
Музыка: Troubled Times
Скриншоты: Shadowserg
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