Карты и этапы
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Castle Entrance
Враги: Skeleton, Golden Knight
Босс: нет
Музыка: Old Man's Cottage, Prelude to the Black Abyss
Mysteries Lab
Враги: Ghost Knight, Skeleton
Swordsman, Flame
Skeleton, Axe Armor,
Mad Diver, Red
Skeleton, Axe Knight,
Astral Warrior, Frost
Zombie, Peeping Eye,
Flame Sword, Hanged
Hellhound, Skeleton Flower,
Flame Demon, Armor
Knight, Red Ogre
Босс: Flame Elemental, Golem
Музыка: Anti-Souls Mysteries Lab
Garden Forgotten By Time
Враги: Skeleton, Ghost, Skeleton
Swordsmen, Bat,
Skeleton Archer, Astral
Warrior, Buckbaird, Shadow
Wolf, Red
Skeleton, Evil Stabber,
Gargoyle, Storm Skeleton,
Axe Armor, Skeleton
Soldier, Thunder Demon,
Mist, Man-Eating
Plant, Spirit, Thunder
Sword, Axe Knight,
Poison Lizard, Armor
Knight, Skeleton Flower
Босс: Thunder Elemental, Medusa
Музыка: Garden Forgotten by Time, Fog-enshrouded
House of Sacred Remains
Враги: Skeleton, Skeleton Archer,
Zombie, Ghost Warrior,
Skeleton Swordsman,
Skeleton Knight, Evil
Sword, Rune Spirit,
Bat, Buckbaird, Wolf
Skeleton, Red Skeleton,
Heavy Armor, Poison
Zombie, Fleaman,
Vassago, Skeleton Hunter,
Spartacus, Peeping Eye,
Astral Fighter, Executioner,
Босс: Undead Parasite
Музыка: House of Sacred Remains, Statues Born of Darkness
Dark Palace of Waterfalls
Враги: Skeleton, Fish Man,
Frost Demon, Frost
Heavy Armor, Red
Skeleton, Axe Armor,
Merman, Vassago,
Rune Spirit,
Skeleton Swordsman,
Fleaman, Skeleton
Archer, Lizard Man,
Skeleton Soldier, Cyclops,
Armor Knight
Босс: Frost Elemental, Doppelganger, Joachim
Музыка: Dark Palace of Waterfalls
Ghostly Theater
Враги: Skeleton, Skeleton Archer,
Buckbaird, Skeleton Warrior,
Ghost, Cyclops, Red
Ogre, Ghost Soldier,
Zombie, Spirit,
Shadow Wolf,
Astral Knight, Axe
Knight, Hanged Man,
Armor Knight, Axe
Armor, Skeleton Hunter
Босс: Succubus
Музыка: Ghostly Theater, Aria of Nightmare
Prison of Eternal Torture
Враги: Maggots
Босс: Forgotten One
Музыка: Prison of Eternal Torture
Pagoda of the Misty Moon
Враги: Spartacus, Gaap, Chaos
Sword, Phantom, Death
Reaper, Mirage Skeleton,
Lizard Knight, Gargoyle,
Hanged Man, Red
Ogre, Lesser Demon,
Dullahan, Executioner, Axe
Knight, Flame Demon
Босс: Doppelganger 2, Walter, Death
Музыка: Pagoda of the
Misty Moon, Lament of
Скриншоты: Shadowserg
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